The package details are given above. If you wish to convert your package there are some simple steps you need to follow. Some facts Vfone Pakistan has revised its prepaid packages. Now there are only three packages to choose from compared to the five earlier. The new packages are named as Vfone Simple, Vfone Family and Vfone unlimited. The old packages ‘Bachat’, ‘Kafayat’ & ‘Sahulat’ packages are being merged into a single package; “Vfone Family” with a new daily line rent of Rs.5/day. The Vfone Simple package does not charge any daily line rent.
How to Convert Vfone Packages
Your default package is simple but the existing bachat, kafayat packages will be mereged with new Vfone family packages
The packages mentioned above are not for PCOs as they have different packages.