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Mobile Evolution Shaping The Future - This Page Provides an Overview of The Market, Services and Technology Drivers Shaping the Mobile Industry's Evolution to Third Generation Networks.

Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden have the lowest prices for mobile phone calls among OECD countries, according to the latest OECD Communications Outlook. The highest were found in Canada, Spain and the United States.

Comparing prices on a medium-use basis for a package of 780 voice calls, 600 short texts (SMS), and eight multimedia (MMS) messages, the survey found monthly prices ranged from 11 to 53 US dollars across countries as of August 2008.

The Communications Outlook compares domestic prices across countries for low-, medium- and high-use mobile phone users. The following tables show annual prices in US dollars broken down by fixed subscription costs, calls and messages:

The Communications Outlook says between 2006 and 2008 mobile phone call prices fell on average by 21% for low usage consumers, 28% for medium usage and by 32% for subscribers with the highest consumption patterns.

The report adds that text messaging continues to be a particularly lucrative market for operators and that recent marketing developments are increasingly offering SMS-based packages targeted at young subscribers.

The Communications Outlook says the share of telecommunications sector revenue from mobile phone use had reached 41% in OECD countries by 2008. The decline in operators' revenue from fixed telephone lines has, however, been slowed by the expansion of high-speed broadband Internet as subscribers usually keep a fixed line to receive the service.

It adds that the agility shown by those telecommunication companies which survived the bursting of the dot-com bubble in 2000 is again serving them well in the current global downturn. Revenues continue to grow while capital investment is being reduced.

OECD mobile medium-usage basket, August 2008, tax included

Fixed Usage Messages Total
Netherlands 131.44 0.00 0.00 131.44
Finland 7.17 85.43 38.84 131.44
Sweden 124.89 0.00 13.04 137.94
Denmark 3.59 120.62 18.48 142.68
Norway 0.00 133.39 31.93 165.33
Iceland 196.04 0.00 0.99 197.03
Austria 0.00 137.82 61.82 199.64
Luxembourg 0.00 145.88 60.38 206.26
New Zealand 248.12 6.46 1.44 256.02
Switzerland 7.21 225.27 34.60 267.08
Japan 255.45 12.04 0.00 267.49
Poland 134.57 67.05 67.65 269.27
Turkey 211.75 54.01 3.58 269.34
United Kingdom 262.06 7.63 2.33 272.02
Hungary 309.03 0.00 0.00 309.03
OECD 193.75 89.62 34.39 317.77
Ireland 296.73 31.83 1.71 330.26
Australia 37.84 224.98 70.17 332.99
Korea 236.55 87.10 16.49 340.13
Portugal 38.85 281.09 50.42 370.35
France 317.09 48.16 12.77 378.02
Italy 0.00 291.44 102.82 394.26
Greece 364.90 0.00 35.93 400.82
Germany 270.67 0.00 134.53 405.20
Mexico 365.24 9.50 42.87 417.62
Slovak Republic 302.10 140.76 34.61 477.46
Czech Republic 331.24 114.06 39.03 484.34
Canada 461.66 35.28 3.69 500.63
Spain 9.60 364.51 134.15 508.26
United States 635.85 0.00 0.00 635.85

Note: The existing mobile basket methodology does not include discounted or free calls to pre-selected phone numbers as part of "friends and family" or "preferred numbers" plans. The inclusion of these calls will be considered as part of a future update of the mobile basket methodology. Pre-paid plans are excluded.

 Remotly Manage Your Computer and Mails with UFone UConnectThis service is the first of its kind, ever introduced in Pakistan by any cellular company. Ufone introduces uconnect – a service to remotely manage your computer’s shared folders, push email service and search files with your handset. These services are provided under secure data transfer protocol and each user gets 512Mb online space for folder sharing, fee of charge.

UConnect provides following features that can be managed from your handset.

* MS Outlook Synchronization
* File Sharing
* Search through files
* Push Email
* PC Tasks

MS Outlook Synchronization:

Access your outlook emails, contacts, tasks and reminders

File Sharing:

Remotely access files stored on any online computer (be it personal or corporate) from your EDGE/GPRS enabled handset. File sharing includes MS-Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Adobe PDF, Notepad, Images (jpeg, gif, png) and Multimedia files (mp3, mpeg, avi, wmv, mid, wav). This needs to have UConnect client installed on your PC.

Search through files:

You can use the powerful search feature to search for files, emails and contacts and much more through your EDGE/GPRS enabled handsets.

Push Email:

You can choose your PUSH email facility to be delivered to your handset as a SMS PUSH or WAP PUSH for every new email. You can configure up to 5 emails accounts simultaneously for an account on your handset. Each email account can be used the same as you would through you computer. This feature can be used on Gmail, Hotmail and POP3/IMAP accounts.

PC Tasks:

This is the most important feature of this service.You can share multiple PC’s and can perform the following PC Tasks can be done remotely via EDGE/GPRS enabled handsets or via SMS:-

* System Restart
* Shutdown
* Hibernate
* Logoff
* Lock

SECURITY: All communication with the server is encrypted including the files that are backed up at remote servers.
Free Data Space: Each account will be allotted 512 MB of free data space.

Subscription & Charges:

Monthly Subscription: SMS ‘SUB’ to 292 – Rs. 25 + tax.

Additional Computer: SMS ‘SUB’ to 293 – Rs. 5 + Tax/month

Additional Memory: SMS ‘SUB’ to 291 – Rs. 5 + Tax/6 months

GPRS Charges – Standard Ufone EDGE/GPRS Charges or UrEDGE Data Package charges apply.
Commands for ease of use:

Unsubscribe UConnect: unsub uconnect
Unsubscribe Space: unsub space
Hibernate: hibernate machine name
Lock: lock machine name
Logoff: logoff machine name
Shut Down: shutdown machine name
Restart: restart machine name
Next Message: next message id
Send Email: send email address email message
Forward: forward email address email message
Reply: reply email message
Reply All: replyall email message
Delete Email: delete email id
Reset Password: resetpass

All these commands will be sent to 5748 at Rs. 2 + Tax/SMS

Terms and Conditions:

* Login format will be like 9233XXXXXXX.
* If you share more than 1 machine, you will have access to all the machines via 1 account.
* All charges will be deducted from the master account, i.e. MSISDN against which account was created.
* All change requests can only be made from the master account.
* SMS and WAP push will be sent to master account MSISDN.
* You can use Push Email services without downloading the application for personal email accounts.
* Email push supports all POP3 and IMAP based emails.
* SMS push will only show 160 characters of an email per SMS.
* There is no limit to the number of computers that can be registered on a single account.
* In sharing user will have to share folder not individual files.
* Application may not work if proxy or internet access is limited by firewall or other network security setting.
* Only MS outlook (2000, 2003 & 2007) is supported.
* User cannot view pictures within the email but can view pictures as attachment.

Ufone Umrah Offer
Ufone offers the lowest International Roaming rates to Saudi Arabia
Umrah is an overwhelming experience full of discoveries. Make the most of your Umrah while letting those at home know that you are well.

Ufone is proud to be the best network that keeps you connected with your loved ones during Umrah with the best International Roaming rates exclusively for Saudi Arabia, including:

-Pre-set messages for only Re. 1 to Pakistan by dialing *333#
-Free incoming SMS
-Lowest incoming call rates

Dial 333 to activate International Roaming on your Ufone today

Pre-set messages can also be sent by dialing *333# or *999#
Lowest incoming call rates are only applicable while roaming on Mobily's network
Ufone GSM is a registered trademark brand name of Pak Telecom Mobile Limited
19.5% FED on usage and 10% withholding tax at recharge or bill applies.
Using SIMs without proper documentation is a crime-PTA
Terms and conditions apply

ISLAMABAD (August 11 2009): Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and FIA National Response Center for Cyber Crimes
(NR&C), Islamabad have unearthed two illegal international VoIP gateway exchanges in F-6 and F-7 Islamabad. Three foreigners have been arrested during the seizure of these illegal exchanges.
This initiative is a part of the pursuance of PTA efforts against illegal telecom traffic and seventh successful raid in Islamabad. During the raid PTA and FIA team recovered 11x8 GSM tellulars, 4 GSM media gateways and 1x router, 4 switches and more than hundred GSM antennas.
PTA detected illegal setups through the Technical Facility installed to monitor the illegal business of telecom throughout the country. Upon investigation and confirmation, successful raids were conducted by PTA and FIA at Islamabad and operational international exchanges were seized.
Mobile connections which are being used in GSM devices employed by terminating international calls brought via Grey routes is a cause of loss of rupees to national exchequer. Chairman PTA Dr Mohammed Yaseen said that these illegal operations of grey traffic has caused loss of millions of rupees in the last four month to the national exchequer.-(Press Releases)

    Mobile Evolution

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