Zong introduced personality test service an SMS based service which enables a subscriber to answer some simple questions and get an in depth analysis about their personality.
Available test categories and tests include:
Love & Relationship
-Are You a Bad Date?
-Finding Mr/Mrs. Right
-Love Personality
Career & Money
-Are You a Future Millionaire
-Fame or Fortune
-Right Job/Wrong Job
Mind & Body
-Heart or Head
-Your Best Qualities
-My Personality Traits
-Zodiac Love Match
Service Mechanics:
-Subscriber sends PT to 461
-Service replies with available categories i.e. Love and Relationship, Career & Money, Mind & Body and Astrology and asks subscriber to choose category of interest
-On receiving subscriber response, the service displays available tests for chosen category and asks subscriber to respond with test ID
-On receiving subscriber’s choice, service responds by sending the first question in the test
-When all questions have been answered service sends detailed analysis based on subscriber responses to the subscriber
Price of each SMS is Rs. 0.50+t