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KARACHI (July 17 2009): To ease-up inquiring for the customers of Karachi, Pakistan Telecommunication Company (PTCL) has established a customer support service through which the clients would be facilitated with a prompt response.

Now, the customers can write to Karachi. Rapid. Support@ptcl.net.pk if they do not get a response in the expected time from the PTCL maintenance team.

The e-mail address can also be used to address new service provisioning delays, disclosed SEVP Business Zone South PTCL Abdullah Yousef Abdullah. "Our customers and their needs are the focal point of every decision and action we take," he said, adding that the initiative would ensure that all customer concerns get proper management attention.

He encouraged the customers to use 1218 to register their concerns. He also highlighted that customers can apply for PTCL services including Telephone, Broadband, Smart TV and EVO (wireless broadband) by calling 0800-8-0800 for faster provisioning of service. The PTCL official reiterated his company's support for the customers.- (Press Releases)


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